With everything going on in the world right now and social isolation happening all around the world what better time to try out some of the more remote-friendly services available to you! I have recently made a few purchases in order to update and streamline my piano studio set up to make online lessons easier.

Maybe your children have been given work from school to do while during this time and they need some help, maybe you're looking for a way to continue piano lessons while avoiding contact with others or maybe you simply want to try online lessons because your schedule doesn't suit in-person lessons. Whatever reasons you're thinking about trying online lessons, don't hesitate, book now and get started on your musical journey.

All you need to take advantage of these online lessons is a tablet/laptop, a keyboard or piano, some time and a passion to learn. Obviously, there are other pieces of equipment that would improve the sound or video quality but these are unnecessary for most people in the beginning. As long as you can see/hear your teacher and their instrument (and they can see/hear you and your instrument) clearly then everything should be just fine!

Ask Josh about online lessons here ...