In light of many things closing due to the Coronavirus, many parents are wondering what to do with their children during this 'extended holiday' wanting their children to keep up with their education and now scrambling to find some activities or something to stop the boredom!

For those who want to avoid contact with others, the modern world has your back with online piano lessons. Most online lessons require a simple computer or phone with a camera and internet connection ... for music lessons, there are a few more requirements to make sure you and your teacher can hear and see each other's instruments clearly. While this can get very expensive, it doesn't have to be, in this post I will share some simple budget-friendly setups to help you get started with online lessons.

1. Computer / Tablet (mobile phone is not acceptable here!)
This forms the main part of the setup for many reasons but most importantly, the screen should be big enough that you can see things, such as a page of music, clearly.

2. Audio Interface This is a specific piece of equipment that is one of the most important components of your setup. Put simply, its the tool that allows your teacher to hear you and your instrument as well as hear your teacher and their instrument.

3. Headphones So you can hear your teacher and their instrument clearly.

4. Cables Needed to connect your instrument or microphones to the audio interface.

5. External Camera [OPTIONAL] Simply for your teacher to see you and your instrument/hands clearly. In most cases using a tablet (which includes a camera) offers enough flexibility to move it around between tasks.

6. Microphone(s) [OPTIONAL] In most cases, the microphone on your computer or tablet is good enough so no need for any microphones. For those with acoustic pianos and no digital alternatives, there is no other way than to use microphones.
Feel free to contact me (or your teacher) about getting yourself set up for online lessons, equipment recommendations, to discuss your options or anything else regarding online lessons.
Stay healthy and safe!