Private Teaching
Lesson fees are subject to annual review. Where Lesson fees are increases as a result of such a review, the Teacher shall endeavour to give the Student at least one month’s notice of such increase. The Student shall have the right to terminate this agreement immediately on written notice to the Teacher without liability to pay for any further Lessons (and to receive a refund in respect of any Lessons for which the Student has paid in advance) in the event that the applicable Lesson fees
Missed Lessons / Illness
Any Lesson missed by the Student shall be paid for unless otherwise agreed with the Teacher. If the Teacher is unavailable to give any scheduled Lesson, the Lesson will be carried forward to another date. If this is not possible, any fee already paid will be refunded or used to pay for a future Lesson.
Additional Lessons
Extra Lessons may be scheduled during holiday periods or at any other time by mutual agreement and at a cost mutually agreed between the Student and the Teacher.
Cooling-off Period
The Student has a legal right to cancel this agreement during the “cooling off period” set out in 4(b) below. This means that during that cooling-off period, if the Student changes his/her mind or decided for any other reason that he/she does not want to receive the Lessons, the Student can notify the Teacher of his/her decision to cancel the agreement and receive a refund for any Lessons paid for but not received prior to that cancellation.
The Student’s cooling off period starts from the date of this agreement and ends 14 days later. To cancel the agreement the Student should let the Teacher know that he/she has decided to cancel.
Limitation of Liability
If the Teacher fails to comply with the terms of this agreement, he/she is responsible for loss or damage the student suffers that is a foreseeable result of the Teacher’s breach or his/her negligence, but is not responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.
If the Lessons are due to be performed at the Student’s home, the Teacher is responsible for any damage caused by him/her to that property.
The Teacher does not in any way exclude or limit his/her liability for death or personal injury caused by its negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
From time to time, the student may request that the Teacher:-
Supplies them with goods (for example, sheet music, books); or
Loans them an instrument or other equipment, in connection with the provisions of the Lessons or the undertaking of performances and/or examinations.
This agreement is not intended to include provisions applicable to those scenarios, and the Student and the Teacher should mutually agree on relevant terms in writing as required.
Termination of agreement
A decision to discontinue Lessons after the cooling-off period may be taken by the Student or the Teacher in which case written notice, the period of which is stated in the contract, shall be given by the party seeking to discontinue. In the event that the Student discontinues Lessons with insufficient notice, the Student will be liable to pay fees for those Lessons not taken during the notice period.
Neither party shall be liable to the other party for any breach by the other of any of the terms and conditions herein
occasioned by any act of God, war, revolution, riot, civil disturbance, strike, lock-out, flood, fire or other cause not reasonably within the control of such party. -
The Student undertakes not to make photocopies of any music.
Examination entries, festivals, competitions or otherwise will only be entered if the Student and Teacher are in agreement. Any entry fees will be paid for by the Student.
The Student is responsible for the insurance of the Student’s instrument.
In the interests of the Student’s well-being whilst in the Teacher’s care, the Teacher must be informed of any medical or other condition affecting the Student.
If the Student is under eighteen (18), the Student’s parent or guardian gives permission for the Teacher to teach the Student.
Demo Lessons
Only one (1) Demo Session is available per person.
Demo Sessions are estimated to take anywhere from 15 minutes to 60 minutes, this all depends on the pupils engagement.
Demo lessons are charged at €25 per person.
Make Up Lessons
Make Up Lessons as a result of cancellation for unavoidable circumstances will be rescheduled at an agreed time/date/location within reason.
Limit of three (3) make up lessons per year, exception for extreme circumstances.
Extreme circumstances
- Covers Illness, accidents or injury.
- Doesn’t cover holidays, traffic/transport delays, forgetting your booked time/day. -
In the event of your lesson falling on a public holiday, the session is considered forfeited and the full monthly fee is due.
Due to scheduling, it is not always possible to make up lessons.
In the event of another student cancelling, their session will be made available to others who need a make up lesson.
Holidays or extended absences from Lessons
JLT Studio retains the right to fill your spot due to an extended absence.
An extended absence is considered as two or more weeks.
No guarantee will be made to reserve your day/time without payment.
To reserve your day/time:
- Payment in advance MUST be made for the full length of time you will be absent.
Notes for guidance
It is important to note that whilst a Teacher will use his or her best endeavours to ensure the Student makes satisfactory progress, this cannot be guaranteed. In particular, careful regular practise as advised by the Teacher is a prerequisite of success on any musical instrument or in any musical endeavour.
Services Policy
Client agrees to pay for service at the rate in effect at the time of booking.
JLT Studio promotes a professional atmosphere and, therefore, alcohol, drugs or any illicit behaviour is prohibited anywhere on the premises.
JLT Studio reserves the right to refuse to work with any Client for whatever reason.
JLT Studio shall not be liable for unforeseen consequential damages of any kind.
The first payment is due in fifteen (15) days of signing the contract.
Payments are due on the 1st of every month.
A LATE FEE OF 10% will be added every week for late payments.
The Client is responsible for any and all legal costs and attorney’s fees required to collect payment for any services rendered.
By appointment only, NO WALK-INS allowed.
Session clock begins at a mutually agreed time.
If Clients are late for any reason, they will be charged for the session as normal, with no exceptions.
There is no guarantee that the teacher will be available after the lesson to make up the time clients are late.
If the session is cancelled with less than 24 hours notice you will be charged the full rate. This is due to the difficulty of obtaining replacement bookings at such a late stage.
Should JLT Studio be unable to conduct a booked session for any reason, then the Studio shall re-book such cancelled booking at another time that is mutually available to the Studio and the Client within reason.​
In the event of a cancellation:
At least 24 hours notice is required to qualify for a make up session.
Two (2) cancellations without reason will be excepted per year.
In the event of JLT Studio cancelling your session or service due to illness or any other reasonable cause, the Studio will reschedule the session for the earliest convenience for all both the Client and the Studio.
If the Client and Studio can’t find a mutually agreeable date/time with reasonable effort then the deposit (€50) will be refunded.
Make up sessions
Make up sessions as a result of cancellation for unavoidable circumstances will be rescheduled at an agreed time/date/location within reason.
Limit of three (3) make up sessions per year, exception for extreme circumstances.
Extreme circumstances
Covers Illness, accidents or injury.
Doesn’t cover holidays, traffic/transport delays, forgetting your booked time/day.
In the event of your session falling on a public holiday, the session is considered forfeited and the full monthly fee is due.
Due to a full schedule, it is not always possible to make up lessons.
In the event of another student cancelling, their session will be made available to others who need a make up lesson.
Holidays or extended absences from Sessions
JLT Studio retains the right to fill your spot due to an extended absence.
An extended absence is considered as two or more weeks.
No guarantee will be made to reserve your day/time without payment.
To reserve your day/time:
Payment in advance MUST be made for the full length of time you will be absent.
JLT Studio makes a reasonable effort to secure all items belonging to the Client left or stored on the premises, but the Studio is not responsible for loss or damage.
Storage of files:
All files created for students will be kept for up to 12 months.
If the client would like any of their files to be re-sent to them, they may request this during their next session or via email.
Students may bring their own storage divide (USB stick or external hard-drive) to collect files.
Media Release
JLT Studio kindly asks clients to give permission to use the recordings/video footage for marketing purposes. (Rewards may be given as an incentive).
Audio and video files may be uploaded to various social media platforms with the combined consent of JLT Studio and the client.
Loss and Damages
The Client shall be responsible for any loss or damage to Studio property incurred by Client and guests of the Client, as a result of misuse, negligence and/or carelessness.
The Client releases JLT Studio from any harm or damage that may occur to any person in the Client’s party or to equipment belonging to the Client during their session, if such is not the direct result of the Studio’s intentional or reckless conduct.
Studio Rules / Code of Conduct
The Client shall abide by the Studio Rules, listed below. Disobedience of these rules by the Client or a guest of the Client will be ground for removal of said person or persons
from the property, immediate termination of their agreement, and possible loss of future use of the studio. -
In the event of termination of the agreement due to such causes, there will be no refund of funds paid by the Client. The Studio or its representative will have the sole right to make such determination.
Contract Disputes
In the event of a disagreement between the parties regarding the performance of this Agreement, both parties agree to attempt first though mediation.
This constitutes the entire agreement between the Client and JLT Studio, and may not be modified, changed, or terminated in any way unless there is a written agreement signed by both parties.
Code of Conduct
No unnecessary people are allowed in on the premises during sessions unless agreed upon by all parties involved.
All individuals in the studio are to respond to the direction of the studio manager.
No equipment is to be handled unless directed by studio manager.
Smoking and Illegal Substances
No smoking is allowed on the premises.
No illegal substances are allowed on the property. Any Client or guest of the Client found to be under the influence of any illegal substance or exhibiting any behaviour deemed unprofessional by the Studio or its representative will be grounds for removal as per section (11.1) regarding Studio Rules.
Food and Drink
Food and drinks are allowed, please make sure they’re in enclosed containers.
Any spills that cause damage to the property of JLT Studio will be billed to the Client.
Please keep the space neat and tidy.
Explicit Content
The Studio can reject Clients for sessions or services at the discretion of its representatives.
Equipment Rental Policy
The RENTER shall keep and maintain the rented equipment during the terms of the rental at his own cost and expense. He shall keep the equipment in a good state of repair, normal wear and tear excepted.
The RENTER shall pay the OWNER full compensation for replacement for replacement and/or repair of any equipment which is not returned because it is lost or stolen or any equipment which is damaged and in need of repair to put it into the same condition it was in at the time of rental, normal wear and tear excepted. The OWNER’s invoice for replacement or repair is conclusive as to the amount RENTER shall pay under this paragraph for repair or replacement.
The RENTER shall not remove the equipment from the address of the RENTER or the location shown herein as the place of use of the equipment without prior written approval of the OWNER. The RENTER shall inform the OWNER upon demand of the exact location of the equipment while it is in the RENTERS’s possession.
The equipment shall be delivered to RENTER and returned to OWNER at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense. If a periodic rental rate is charged by OWNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for each period or portions of the period form the time the equipment is delivered to RENTER until its return. If a term rental rate is charged by OWNER, rental charges are billed to the RENTER for the full term even if the equipment is returned before the end of the term. If the equipment is not returned during or at the end of the term, then the rental charges shall continue on a full term basis for any additional term or portion thereof until the equipment is returned.
No allowance will be made for any rented equipment or portion thereof which is claimed not to have been used. Acceptance of returned equipment by OWNER does not constitute a waiver of any of the rights OWNER has under the rental agreement.
The RENTER shall allow OWNER to enter RENTER’s premises where the rented equipment is stored or used at all reasonable times to locate and inspect the state and condition of the rented equipment. If the RENTER is in default of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement, the OWNER, and his agents, at the RENTER’s risk, cost and expense may at any time enter the RENTER’s premises where the rented equipment is stored or used at all time and recover the rented equipment.
The RENTER shall not pledge or encumber the rented equipment in any way. The OWNER may terminate this agreement immediately upon the failure of RENTER to make rental payments when due, or upon RENTER’s filling for protection from creditors in any court of competent jurisdiction.
The OWNER makes no warranty of any kind regarding the rented equipment, except that OWNER shall replace the equipment with identical or similar equipment if the equipment fails to operate in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications and operation instructions. Such replacement shall be made as soon as practicable after RENTER returns the non-conforming equipment.
RENTER indemnifies and holds OWNER harmless for all injuries or damage of any kind for repossession and for all consequential and special damages for any claimed breach of warranty.
The RENTER shall pay all reasonable attorney and other fees, the expenses and costs incurred by OWNER in protection its rights under this rental agreement and for any action taken OWNER to collect any amounts due the OWNER under this rental agreement.
These terms are accepted by the RENTER upon delivery of the terms to the RENTER or the agent or other representatives of RENTER.